The Benefits Of Flexibility Training


The Benefits Of Flexibility Training 

How often do you stretch?

Many people often forget that regular stretching can provide numerous health benefits.

In fact, becoming more flexible can prevent injuries, reduce back pain and correct balance problems!

This is due to the fact that well stretched muscles more easily achieve their full ranges of motion and have improved athletic performance.

Imagine a less restricted tennis serve or golf swing!

Stretching can also be a fantastic way to get the body moving in the morning or to relax after a stressful day.

An interesting thing to note is that research shows that static stretching (when you hold a position for an extended amount of time) is no longer recommended before exercise. This may come as a shock to many of you as you have likely been taught to do this since high school!

Newer studies suggest that you start your workout routine with a dynamic warm up instead. This will increase the flow of blood & oxygen to your muscles, allowing them to perform at their best while reducing injury risk.

After just 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching, your muscles will be warm, supple and ready for action! After you have completed your workout, when your muscles are still warm, this is the optimal time to perform static stretching (or more dynamic stretching!).

Do keep in mind that you need to perform stretches regularly in order to see drastic improvements in your flexibility. Even just ~10 minutes on a daily basis can grant you the benefits of enhanced flexibility!

Taylor the Kinesiologist has prepared a couple follow along videos, so that you can experience the benefits of dynamic stretching for yourself.
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