Training Philosophy
1) You are the expert of you
– No one knows you better than you! We are partners in this training relationship. I bring my expertise in fitness and you bring your life experiences & hopes.
2) You are a living experiment
– Here is the interesting thing about humans…we are all different! Which means there is no single fitness program in the world that will work for absolutely everyone. That is why it is called personal training, because I adapt your program based on how you respond to it. In essence, you are a living experiment. We will use science to guide us and modify the program as we go.
3) Responsible for versus responsible to – As your trainer I am responsible to you. I provide coaching, support and guidance. I am not responsible for you. You ultimately must put in the effort to get the results you want. I sadly can’t do your homework for you!
Dr. Naran's exercise program is managed by Taylor the Kinesiologist. (Kinesiologists are university-trained human movement experts who specialize in helping people rehab their injuries) Throughout their many years of experience Dr. Naran & Taylor found that many health practitioners were prescribing their patients exercise programs that were either too overwhelming or too much too quickly. Tired of seeing patients re-injure themselves, they decided to create exercise programs with simplicity & efficiency in mind.
There’s no need to feel overwhelmed about which techniques are the best and how much exercise you should be doing. Leave it to Taylor to guide you through a safe & effective exercise routine, using only body weight & resistance band exercises.
We packed the most effective, science-backed exercises into energizing 35-minute workouts, so that you get the maximum benefits in the quickest amount of time.